Apoptosis or programmed cell death is a common property of multicellular organisms (Danial and Korsmeyer,2004; Krammer, 2000). It can be triggered by a number of factors,including UV- or γ-irradiation,chemotherapeutic drugs or signaling by death receptors (DR). The DR family is
part of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily (Bhardwaj and Aggarwal,2003). Triggering members of the DR family by death ligands results in the transduction of either apoptotic or
survival signals. The poster shows a general overview of DR signaling,summarizing the molecules and pathways involved.
Death receptor signaling
作者:江苏凯基生物技术股份有限公司 2008-08-01T00:00 (访问量:8580)
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