DNA Test Simultaneously Detects 18 HPVs-技术前沿-资讯-生物在线

DNA Test Simultaneously Detects 18 HPVs

作者:纽罗西敏生物科技 2007-09-22T00:00 (访问量:8373)

Seegene, Rockville, MD, introduced its Seeplex® 18-plex Genotyping Test, which is capable of simultaneously detecting 18 different Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs).

The test is performed with one multiplex PCR in a single tube and capillary electrophoresis for automated detection of HPVs. The test uses Seegene's proprietary Dual Priming Oligo primer system, ensuring reproducibility, specificity and sensitivity.

"Cervical cancer, caused by HPV, kills nearly 300,000 women annually worldwide,” says Jong-Yoon Chun, founder and CEO. “It is well established that specific types of HPV cause most cervical neoplasia and cancer. Each type of high-risk HPV initiates different relative risks for cervical cancer. Therefore, to effectively diagnose and treat HPV, clinical healthcare professionals need new tests capable of detecting many HPV DNA and HPV DNA subtypes."

The system, which can amplify only specific analytes without any cross reactivity, provides automated test results using size analysis.

Jong-Yoon Chun says the company will soon roll out other Seeplex®-based diagnostic tests including a 40-plex HPV Genotyping, 23-plex STDs, 27-plex Respiratory Pathogens, 22-plex Mycobacteria, and 20-plex Blood Screening for Sepsis.
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